Yes, my sweet Gracie has started Kindergarten. I really can't believe it. I was so worried about her being sad or throwing a fit when I had to leave her at school but none of that happened. In fact quite the opposite. She was so excited to be there. At last her teacher said, "Okay, give one last hug and kiss and we'll go to Kindergarten!" As I leaned over to kiss Gracie, I was flooded with gratitude. Gratitude for this little girl in front of me, gratitude for her doctors and mostly gratitude for living today when medicine is changing from day to day and miracles happen so often. It just hit me so hard at that very moment that here she is so healthy and strong and thriving and that only 5 short years ago we sat beside her wondering if she would ever be able to come home and if so, for how long? Gracie noticed the tears in my eyes and took my cheeks in her hands and said, "Mom, are you a little sad that I'm going to Kindergarten?" "No, Gracie," I responded, "I am just soooo proud of you for being so brave!" She smiled back at me, tugged on her backpack and headed into the school.
The morning before her second day of school she came to me with a loose tooth. I popped it out and she was so excited for a visit from the tooth fairy. Five minutes later she came to me with another loose tooth (funny I'd never noticed before) so we popped it out too, and she went to school with a little lisp. She was thrilled to meet Lizzie after school and show her the new gap in her mouth!
Gracie is pure joy. She's our daily reminder that life is to be enjoyed each and every day and that we should live passionately (not just go through the motions.) Thank you Gracie for your amazing little spirit! We love you and are so proud of you!