Thursday, July 17, 2008

"I can do hard things..."

Today Hallie had a doctor's appointment so I piled all the kiddos into the car and off we went. I always forget how stressful it is to have them all there when I'm trying to talk to the doctor at the same time as keeping them off the spinning stools and out of his drawers. So right before he walked in I'm reading a brochure and look up to see Lizzie and Gracie both blowing up those rubber gloves like balloons, Hallie has climbed up in a chair and is practically hanging from the mini blinds on the window and CJ is licking the full-size mirror. Bargaining time: So first I got Hallie and CJ under control while making a deal with the girls that if they will sit quietly when the Dr. comes in then we will go to the cafeteria afterwards. (My kids would rather go to the hospital cafeteria than a McDonalds with a playground!) Weird, I know. Anyways, Dr. Siddiqi came in, checked out Hallie, then looked over and said, "Wow, your kids are so well behaved. I bet they are great helpers with the twins." Mission accomplished. He walked out and the blowing up gloves, spinning stools and licking mirror continued....When I got into the car to drive home I felt like I had really accomplished a major feat today. A trip to the doctor with 4 kids. When I told my sister about my day she told me when I'm in situations like that to just repeat "I can do hard things, I can do hard things, I can do hard things..." That is my new mantra.


The Bonham Family said...

I can't tell you how much I needed to hear that this very day!!!! You truly are an amazing mom and I look up to you so much.

Stoney and Jen said...

Wow Lora, sounds like every outing I take with my kids. I'm so glad to know that I am not the only one who has normal kids. I can do hard things...


heidi larsen said...

good for you! but, always know that i would love to have them over to babysit them while you go to the doctor! another thought, it won't always be that hard! we went to the doctor today too and ella was quite a handful. just know that they grow up so fast, which is a good thing and also a bad thing.

Angela said...

I feel your pain! Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have my kids sit still for a few moments when we go places.